Friday, March 15, 2013

The Nutritious Brazil Nut!

Coming from the Amazon's forest, the nutritious and delicious Brazil Nut is packed with goodness!

Brazil Nuts after:)
Brazil Nuts in their pod:)

Although most people eat Brazil Nuts for pleasure for their delicious taste, they can now eat them for their health benefits as follows:

  • Very good source of mono-saturated fatty acids that help lower LDL (Bad Cholesterol) and increases HDL (Good Cholesterol) :)
  • Research shows that the Mediterranean Diet, rich in mono-saturated fatty acids, helped to prevent coronary artery disease & strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile:)
  • Very good source of Vitamin E that is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant:)
  • Have an exceptionally high level of Selenium which is important for *antioxidant enzyme glutathione-peroxidase:)
  • Gluten free:)
  • Awesome source of B-Complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and folates which altogether works as co-factors for enzymes during cellular substrate metabolism inside the body:)
  • Contain good levels of copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc:)
Did you think one nut could benefit you so much?!?  All you need is a couple of Brazil Nuts a day and it is almost like taking a daily vitamin for the above nutrients!  Brazil Nuts can be eaten as is or along with or in other types of meals.  If you have not already give Brazil Nuts a try and enjoy the yummy flavor and health benefits that come along with it!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

*Antioxidant Enzyme Glutathione-Peroxidase is an enzyme in the body that is a powerful scavenger of free radicals

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Benefits of Astragulus!

"Astragulus....what is that???"

Type of Astragulus plant.

If you just said that, you are in for a wonderful treat!  Astragulus is herb that I have grown to love over the past 5 years or so due to all of it's benefits.  Astragulus is a immunity boosting herb that is native to China and Mongolia.  In Chinese medicine Astragulus has been used to treat common colds and flus due to the high content of active compounds like polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids.  

Polysaccharides are a common source of energy and are 1 of the 4 chemical groupings of carbohydrates.  This particular grouping stores energy and is a structural component.

Saponins derives from the Soapwort Plant and is normally found in natural sources.  This has also been used in vaccines.

Flavonoids (also referred to as Vitamin P), after research, may modify allergens, viruses and carcinogens.  

Astragulus is my go to when I am not feeling 100% and also when I am going to be around a lot of sick people!  The following are some of the many benefits of Astragulus:

  • Lowers excessive acidity in the stomach, increasing the body's metabolic rates & promoting faster elimination:)
  • Help increase the white blood cell count:)
  • Stimulates the growth of anti-bodies:)
  • Eliminates the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses:)
  • May enhance traditional chemotherapy treatment in cancer patients:)
  • Can help to protect you from high blood pressure, arrhythmia & overall cardiac function:)
  • Prevents fatty plaque deposits in arteries to allow to flow freely:)
  • Shown to treat forms of anemia and improving hemopoietic function:)
  • Used to manage Diabetes in Chinese Medicine:)
  • Much more:)
Astragulus can be taken in many different forms such as pill, powder and liquid.  Depending on the person, one may work better than the other.  Also, there are versions that are mixed with other herbs or extract.  Before making a purchase, I would consult a physician or at least a certified Herbalist who can help with choosing what is right for you.

I hope that this has opened your mind a little bit more to trying more natural remedies in the future, the difference in results may surprise you:).

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Muscle Twitches & Spasms!

I have recently been suffering from an Eye Twitch/Spasm as well as a Quad Spasm and thought, why not blog about this!  I know this is a common occurrence but do we all know why we get these?  If you already know I think a refresher wouldn't hurt.

First of all, there is a difference between a Muscle Twitch and a Muscle Spasm.  A Muscle Twitch ( also called fasciculations) usually only affect one muscle and are characterized by tiny contractions inside the muscle caused by a nerve impulse.  A Muscle Spasm (also called muscle cramps) affects multiple muscle tissues and are brought on by a chemical imbalance in the body.  I personally did not know that!  

Now that we know what a Muscle Twitch and a Muscle Spasm is, why?!?  

Muscle Twitches, with the most common being in the eye, thumb or calf, are more likely caused by stress and anxiety.  The twitching will come and go and normally does not last more than a few days or so at a time.  Other common causes can be from over exercise (muscle fatigue), excess caffeine and side effects from medications.

Muscle Spasms are most commonly caused by heavy exercising, dehydration, excess alcohol, pregnancy, medications and/or lack of calcium and/or magnesium in the body.  Muscle Spasms, more commonly called Muscle Cramps, are when a muscle group starts to get really hard and causes you pain aka The Charley Horse!  We all have been sneak attacked by the Charley Horse in the middle of the night wondering, "Why?!?"  Now you know what could be the cause!

Although, in a lot of cases, Muscle Twitches and Muscle Spasms are caused from the above, they can also be caused by some other rare reasons.  Muscle Twitches can be caused by Nervous System Disorders that include nerve damage, fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy and Lou Gehrig's disease.  Muscle Spasms can be caused by hypothyroidism, kidney failure as well as cerebral palsy, stroke and Parkinson's disease.  But remember, these are rarities but if Muscle Twitches and Muscle Spasms are concerning you ask your Doctor for some more advice:).  You can't always be too sure about some things and this is one of them!

Besides prevention, there are some ways to provide relief when suffering from a Muscle Twitch or Muscle Spasm.  Gentle stretching and massaging of the area may help although some areas such as the eye may be a bit difficult to do this with.  Using the affected muscle can also provide some sort of relief as well.  This is great news because people tend to automatically to all of these things when suffering from a Muscle Twitch and Muscle Spasm!

Hope this has either educated you or helped remedy this issue for you!  Have a wonderful and hopefully twitch and spasm free day!