Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Benefits of Astragulus!

"Astragulus....what is that???"

Type of Astragulus plant.

If you just said that, you are in for a wonderful treat!  Astragulus is herb that I have grown to love over the past 5 years or so due to all of it's benefits.  Astragulus is a immunity boosting herb that is native to China and Mongolia.  In Chinese medicine Astragulus has been used to treat common colds and flus due to the high content of active compounds like polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids.  

Polysaccharides are a common source of energy and are 1 of the 4 chemical groupings of carbohydrates.  This particular grouping stores energy and is a structural component.

Saponins derives from the Soapwort Plant and is normally found in natural sources.  This has also been used in vaccines.

Flavonoids (also referred to as Vitamin P), after research, may modify allergens, viruses and carcinogens.  

Astragulus is my go to when I am not feeling 100% and also when I am going to be around a lot of sick people!  The following are some of the many benefits of Astragulus:

  • Lowers excessive acidity in the stomach, increasing the body's metabolic rates & promoting faster elimination:)
  • Help increase the white blood cell count:)
  • Stimulates the growth of anti-bodies:)
  • Eliminates the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses:)
  • May enhance traditional chemotherapy treatment in cancer patients:)
  • Can help to protect you from high blood pressure, arrhythmia & overall cardiac function:)
  • Prevents fatty plaque deposits in arteries to allow to flow freely:)
  • Shown to treat forms of anemia and improving hemopoietic function:)
  • Used to manage Diabetes in Chinese Medicine:)
  • Much more:)
Astragulus can be taken in many different forms such as pill, powder and liquid.  Depending on the person, one may work better than the other.  Also, there are versions that are mixed with other herbs or extract.  Before making a purchase, I would consult a physician or at least a certified Herbalist who can help with choosing what is right for you.

I hope that this has opened your mind a little bit more to trying more natural remedies in the future, the difference in results may surprise you:).

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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