Friday, August 2, 2013

Get Active Challenge Complete!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

Hope you all have been healthy and happy!  Well, my Get Active Challenge lasted about 2 weeks and I feel wonderful!

When I first started the challenge I had a hard time finding to energy and motivation to start my workout on a daily basis, always felt tired and unenergized regardless of the amount of rest and sleep I got and was always in a so-so mood.  NOW, I feel great, have NO issues with getting my workout started and finished, am very energized and motivated and overall have a more positive and happy mood:)!

Being active really does more than just help you lose some calories, it changes your life from the inside out whether you think it does or not so stop wasting time and Get Active!  You see and feel the complete benefits of adding any type of activity into YOUR life, I guarantee you will feel amazing if you stick to it;)

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 14 & 15!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

Whoops!  Skipped a day because I was having such a great time:)  Days 14 & 15 were great!

Here's what I did to get active:) :

-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Cleo's Rockin Legs & Abs:)

Just the right amount of activity and relaxation filled my body, mind and heart with joy!  I feel great and am completely happy and energized:)

Have you found the right balance that best fits you and your lifestyle???  Have you had great days like that???  What did you do???  Try to think of all of the really awesome days you have had in the past and try to also remember what you did.  try to find the balance in your life to make every day as enjoyable and awesome as possible!

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 12 & 13!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

This weekend was great and filled with Health, Wellness and fun Activities!  Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Swimming at the Beach:)

Not too much strenuous workouts but this weekend was much needed!  Today I feel re-energized and ready for this week:).  A lot of quality time with the fam, relaxation and fun!

What kind of weekend did you have???  Did you get to fit in any fun activities???  How do you feel on this Monday???  Always make sure that while taking care of others you think of yourself too!  If you only think of others, you start neglecting yourself which will somehow have a negative effect on you.  We do not want that!  Spend some time everyday to make sure you are taken care of in any way possible.  For example, while making sure everyone else is okay and ready for the day make sure you are too with enough sleep and a cleared mind;)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 11!!!

Aloha Healthy & Happy Buddies!!!

Yesterday was another much needed recoop day!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

Since I have been under a lot more stress than usual with every day life my body was pretty mentally exhausted so I listened to my body, only did as much as I felt up to (energy wise) and then let myself rest and recoop for the weekend!  When you are under a lot of mental stressors it tends to take over your whole bodies energy level therefore leaving you exhausted without having workout of or physically exerting yourself.  Do not feel bad if this happens to you but make sure you don't let yourself get mentally exhausted too much, it is bad for you!  Find what is causing all the mental stress and find a way to coop with it better!

Do you stress on a daily basis???  Is your stress level at a 1, 5 or 10???  When do you normally stress out???  How do you think you can better deal with it next time??  Think about these things when you are stressed and hopefully this can help you get back on a better track for you and your body:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 10!

Aloha Happy Healthy Buddies:)

Day 10 of my Get Active Challenge was very fun!

Here is what I did to get active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  HOT HULA fitness:)

Yesterday I was exceptionally energetic and ready to get my fitness on!  I think I was energized from giving myself the time to recoop the day before.  In the past, I ws really bad at letting my body recoop because I had the mentality that if I wasn't working out hard every single day I was being lazy and would lose it.  I have learned that we need to listen to our bodies and train our minds to agree with it.  Unfortunately, we are all semi-brainwashed to think that to make a difference in our health we need to over do it.  Just know that everyone is different, what works for someone may or may not work for you so do not ever get discouraged!  We are who we are and we need to learn and listen to our bodies to get the best out of us!  No one can tell us what or who we are only we can do that:)  Sooooooooo, take some time to ensure you are doing your body good and taking care of it so it will do the same for you:)

What are your thoughts on that???  Have you been pushing yourself too hard???  Do you give your body time to recoop???  Share, share, share!  I love hearing stories from other people:)

Well, whatever your situation just know that regardless of your goals and dreams you can achieve anything with the right mindset and self appreciation!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 9!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 9 of my challenge was a relaxful day but stil active:)!

Here is what I did to get active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Go to Sam's Club (LOL) :)

Getting active consists of activities that get your blood flowing as well as stimulates your mind and body.  I count going to Sam's Club as all of the above!  Not too crazy of a work out day but it was very eventful and relaxi at the same time:)

What did you do???  How did you feel???  You ready for another day???  Let's do this!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 8!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Although a Monday, Day 8 of my Get Active CHallenge was a breeze!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  P90x: Chest, Arms & AB Ripper X:)
-  Cleo's Rockin` Legs & Abs:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

The weather was horrible with heavy showers and light thunder storms so couldn't take my pup for a walk but was not affected by the gloomy weather when it came to my workouts!  I got through my workouts with motivation and happiness!  I was getting more pumped to workout during my workout!  A week ago today it was different and in the week I have come a long way!  We will see what this last week holds for me and if it sticks!

Did you get active yesterday???  What did you do???  Do you need support and motivation to get active????  Find a buddy or message me:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!