Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 12 & 13!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

This weekend was great and filled with Health, Wellness and fun Activities!  Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Swimming at the Beach:)

Not too much strenuous workouts but this weekend was much needed!  Today I feel re-energized and ready for this week:).  A lot of quality time with the fam, relaxation and fun!

What kind of weekend did you have???  Did you get to fit in any fun activities???  How do you feel on this Monday???  Always make sure that while taking care of others you think of yourself too!  If you only think of others, you start neglecting yourself which will somehow have a negative effect on you.  We do not want that!  Spend some time everyday to make sure you are taken care of in any way possible.  For example, while making sure everyone else is okay and ready for the day make sure you are too with enough sleep and a cleared mind;)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

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