Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 2!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 2 of my Get Active Challenge was a success!

Although I was a bit wiped out from the day yesterday I still pulled through and boy was it worth it!  I dug deep and was able to get in some great workouts!

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)
Walked my Pup:)
P90x:  Plyo:)
Flexibility Session:)

Such a great feeling after a great workout:)  With all the motivation from this challenge and the found energy after digging deep I was left knocked out on the ground after I was done for a surprise power nap LOL!

As you can see, after my Get Active Session, I was officially wiped out for the best reason ever:)  What did you do to get active yesterday?  Was it hard to find that energy within?  Sometimes you really have to dig deep and tell yourself that, "You can do it!"  I know it sounds cheesy but sometimes it works!  Don't let your mind tell you that you do not want to workout.  Sometimes your body will be extremely physically exhausted but if it is mentally exhausted than you can pull through and get it!  You will feel great afterwards:)  Well, Get Active and share!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

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