Monday, July 15, 2013

Get Active Challenge!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

As we all know, once you fall out of a routine of working out it is VERY HARD to get back into it!  I recently have gone through a lot in the past months ranging from vacation (which was awesome!) to being sick to starting a cleanse and that has consumed a lot of my time and energy which caused me to stop my routine workouts:(  I am now having trouble with getting back into my workouts for many different reasons and this is the case for many people out there.  After anywhere from 3 weeks to a couple of months of not working out it becomes the norm and you feel as if you have no time to get that workout in anymore because we are now too 'busy' or you have lost that motivation and drive to get the workout in as well.  Like stated before, you are not the only one!  I am still working out but a lot less than I am used to.  This is why I am starting the Get Active Challenge for my self and anyone else who wants to join in!

The Get Active Challenge is basically made to aid in getting back into a normal workout routine or getting more active by holding myself accountable by posting my daily workouts or active activities:)!  Feel free to join in on the challenge but for best results you must admit to starting the challenge that way all us buddies can help each other by holding each other accountable!

Here's how to join the challenge!:

1.  Post a comment to this blog post that you are joining in on the challenge and why:)
2.  Follow my daily Get Active Challenge blog posts and make a comment on what YOU did that day:)
3.  Share the daily blog post on your FB page and tell your friends:)
4.  That's it!

You may feel very hesitant to join the challenge because you have a feeling that if you admit to starting the challenge you will most likely not follow through.  From experience, the more you tell yourself that the more likely you will not follow through!  Believe in yourself and motivate yourself to get Active!  I KNOW you can do this and by joining in on the challenge we can help each other to reach our goal of getting more active:)

So, take a deep breath, join the challenge, smile and say, "I'm so going to do this!"

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!

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