Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last Day of My Cleanse!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

My last day of my cleanse!!!  Here are my comparisons and results of how I was in the beginning versus today:) :

Day 1 Morning vs Day 14 Morning:

In the morning on Day 1 I felt tired, foggy and achy/tired body with good digestion.  Day 14 morning I felt energized, motivated, clear minded, positive and also with GREAT digestion!  

Day 1 Afternoon vs Day 14 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 1 afternoon I felt off, foggy, tired, exhausted, blank minded and lazy/unenergized.  Throughout Day 14, I had great energy throughout the whole day, was motivated to get all needed things done, was positive, minimal to NO zoning out, no achiness and had clear intentions for the day:)

Day 1 Evening vs Day 14 Evening:

Day 1 evening, only after a nap and a meal, I felt better but definitely not close to awesome.  Day 14 evening I felt great!  I came home, got a lot of tasks done and still had energy for a nice night with the fam:)

Day 14 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine, Kale and Spinach Salad with Kidney Beans, Cucumbers, Mushrooms and Avocado:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Tuna, Avocado and Lettuce Wrap:)


The most important tip I could offer in doing a cleanse would be to be mentally and physically ready for best results and a smoother ride throughout the duration of the cleanse.  As you saw, I was not prepared and had a rough patch in the beginning that may or may not have been smoother if I was ready.  Being prepared always helps in all situations:)

Overall, the comparison from Day 1 to Day 14 is HUGE!  I feel so much better all around.  I still get tired but it is a normal tired from a long day of hard work.  I also have noticed that my digestion, although it was good when I started, is awesome now!  My mind is so much more clear and motivated for the day.  I smile more and am able to really relax with joy:)

Well, since that was the last blog for my cleanse, stay tuned for the next blog of informational health and wellness topics and my next journey:)

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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