Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cleanse Day 7!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 7 was GREAT!  Here are Day 7 details:

Day 7 Morning:

I woke up and felt normal which equals great!!!  Digestion better than ever:)  I was able to get all I need to get done in the morning with no stress and without forgetting anything!  My mind feels sharper and my body feels energized:)

Day 7 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 7 I still felt great being able to get a lot of work done efficiently with more energy than the week prior!

Day 7 Evening:

Day 7 evening I was able to come home, take my dog for a nice long walk, come home and get some chores done, hang out with the lil fam and relax.  What a great day!

Day 7 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Spinach and Mixed Greens Salad with Mushrooms, Cucumbers and Green Bell Peppers:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine, Kale and Spinach Salad with Cucumbers, Kidney Beans, Grapes and Avocado:)


Spice it up!  Even though you may have to follow a veggies and fruits only diet for a week you can still spice it up by having a variety of different kinds and different combinations of veggies and fruits at every meal!  Even though you may eat the same types every day, when you make different combinations you are creating a different flavor combination which is great for variety!!!

Overall, Day 7 was the best!  I feel the best I have felt in the past month or so and am looking for more positive changes in this last week of my cleanse:)!

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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