Monday, July 1, 2013

Cleanse Day 6!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 6 was AWESOME-ER!  Here are Day 6 details:

Day 6 Morning:

I woke up bright and early for another Health & Wellness Group Meeting with a ton of motivation and energy!  Day 6 was great and I was very close to feeling normal again!  I know that sounds ridiculous but I haven't quite felt normal for a couple of months so this feeling is just great to have for me:)  I woke up a bit tired but don't we all when we wake up at 5:30 am on a weekend lol!  But shortly after I woke and could not wait to start my day:)!

Day 6 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 6 I was able to do a lot!  Since my week had been pretty bad with my energy levels and body I hadn't been able to do much.  Day 6 I was able to catch up on almost everything I did not get to do throughout the week:)!  I did have a tired point at the middle of the day but that is normal.  Unfortunately, I couldn't take my nap (I'm starting to spoil myself with these naps LOL) but I was still fine throughout the afternoon.

Day 6 Evening:

Day 6 evening, I did start to get tired but then again I usually get tired after a long day of running around and what not.  It usually happens a little bit after I sit, that's when I realize just how much I did and that I haven't really relaxed at all that day.  At that point, it was time to wine down, relax with the little family and get ready for the next day:)

Day 6 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice with Kidney Beans and Avocados:)
Spirulina Green Machine Drink:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine and Mixed Greens Salad with Cucumbers, Carrots and Onion:)


Be prepared!!!  This is a very important tip and I learned my lesson at the beginning of this cleanse!  I was totally not prepared and since I had less energy it was harder for me to have the motivation to make all my meals at time of eating.  Day 6, I spent some time (surprisingly only about an hour including cleaning:) ) prepping my food for the week:)!!  I am making my life easier for the last week of my cleanse.  I choose to go with Mason Jars because I heard they will keep your veggies and fruits longer after being cut.  I will test that out for you and get back to you at the end of the week with results;)!  But, meal prep is very important when cleansing because it is one less thing to have to think about, "Hmmm, what should I eat today?!?!?"  That questions can lead to eating things you aren't supposed to eat during a cleanse!  Food prep is also amazing for anyone whether they are on a cleanse or not.  Who wouldn't want to spend just one to two hours a week on making food AND already have all your meals ready for the week?!?!?  That's a no brainer:)  Being prepared with food is one very important thing but also having your body nice and rested will help at the beginning of a cleanse:)

Overall, Day 6 was even better than the AWESOME day I had the day before:)!

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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