Thursday, July 18, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 3!

Aloha My Healthy Buddies:)

Day 3 of my Get Active Challenge was amazing!!!  Here are the details:

Day 3, although at the middle of my day staring at the computer reading boring stuff I was drowsy, my day was filled with energy and much motivation at being active!!!  After work I was very motivated to get home and do my thang!  

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)
Walked my Pup:)
HOT HULA fitness:)
P90x:  Chest & Arms:)
Flexibility Session:)

Although this all seems like a lot, this is normal in my workout/active routine!  yay!  I'm getting there faster than I thought!  As you can see I have a great mixture of activities such as heart pumping, blood flowing HOT HULA fitness, leisure and enjoyable walk with my pup, Okole burning challenge, strength building and stretching and yoga for your mental and physical health!  Not only was I able to get all this in yesterday but I was able to get my HOT HULA fitness class pumped and happy they dragged themselves to class and got my BF to be my workout partner when he got home from work when he is usually POOPED!  Mission for yesterday accomplished, now on to tomorrow!

If you are already really active, let's work together to help others that need help!  Join my challenge and share this blog post to your FB page or to your other friends who need motivation.  Have them post a comment and we will let the motivation and love for fitness do the rest;)!  Share the wealth of health and have a great day!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

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