Friday, July 19, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 4!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

Day 4 of my Get Active Challenge was not as packed with workouts but felt great!  Here are the details:

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)

Day 4 was very relaxing and you need those days to be able to maintain a good energy level and not get burnt out.  That is a huge problem with people getting back into it, sometimes they go all out and then fall out because they burn themselves out too quickly.  Take the time to let your body recover so it can be more efficient in everything it does:)  I still did my Lunch Time Yoga that helps me throughout the day!

What was your day like yesterday?  Did you get really active or did you give your body a break for the day?  Please share and have a great day!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

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