Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 8!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Although a Monday, Day 8 of my Get Active CHallenge was a breeze!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  P90x: Chest, Arms & AB Ripper X:)
-  Cleo's Rockin` Legs & Abs:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

The weather was horrible with heavy showers and light thunder storms so couldn't take my pup for a walk but was not affected by the gloomy weather when it came to my workouts!  I got through my workouts with motivation and happiness!  I was getting more pumped to workout during my workout!  A week ago today it was different and in the week I have come a long way!  We will see what this last week holds for me and if it sticks!

Did you get active yesterday???  What did you do???  Do you need support and motivation to get active????  Find a buddy or message me:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

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