Friday, July 26, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 11!!!

Aloha Healthy & Happy Buddies!!!

Yesterday was another much needed recoop day!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

Since I have been under a lot more stress than usual with every day life my body was pretty mentally exhausted so I listened to my body, only did as much as I felt up to (energy wise) and then let myself rest and recoop for the weekend!  When you are under a lot of mental stressors it tends to take over your whole bodies energy level therefore leaving you exhausted without having workout of or physically exerting yourself.  Do not feel bad if this happens to you but make sure you don't let yourself get mentally exhausted too much, it is bad for you!  Find what is causing all the mental stress and find a way to coop with it better!

Do you stress on a daily basis???  Is your stress level at a 1, 5 or 10???  When do you normally stress out???  How do you think you can better deal with it next time??  Think about these things when you are stressed and hopefully this can help you get back on a better track for you and your body:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

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