Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cleanse Day 12!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 12 was another great and awesomely restful yet energetic day!  Here are Day 12's details:

Day 12 Morning:

On Day 12 I woke up early but was very motivated for the day still:)  Digestion was great:)  Woke up with no headaches or pains:)  I also woke up feeling very sharp and on it knowing exactly what needed to get done today as well as what I wanted to get done if any time freed up!  Yay:)

Day 12 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 12 I felt great!  I had no sleepy time in the middle of the day, my appetite has not been crazy and my cravings for unhealthy foods have been at an all time low!:)  I went to a family get together where there are all types of foods ranging from Nachos to Salads and although Nachos were one of my FAV foods I didn't even sit there wanting it!  Instead I went for the healthier options and had no problem with doing that:)  My weakness has always been sweets and still is but thank goodness there were sweeter fruits there to snack on so I could settle that craving:)

Day 12 Evening:

Day 12 evening was another relaxing evening:)  I was able to wind down instead of stress out about anything at all:)  Those evenings are much needed!  My body felt great and after a long day I was not in any type of pain.  I am still getting those very minor headaches from the cleansing drink but that goes away after a little bit. 

Day 12 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Fresh Fish & Poi:)

Frozen Mango:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Cherry Tomatoes, Carrot Shreds, Diced Bell Peppers and Salmon:)


Don't skip breakfast!  This goes for everyday and ESPECIALLY when you are cleansing, DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!  I know you have heard this over and over when growing up but breakfast is a very important meal.  Just think, you have just fasted for about 6 - 8 hours (while sleeping) and then you are going to deprive your body the nutrients needed by fasting for another 4 or 5 hours until lunch?  Unless you are drinking a smoothie or fresh juice, water or coffee isn't going to cut it!  I know you have gone without breakfast and say that you are fine and are able to work great in the morning but try to also think about the rest of the day.  After skipping breakfast, how do you feel after lunch?  Try to experiment with that.  For one, after skipping breakfast you are probably more hungry during lunch and therefore eat a bigger lunch than you would normally eat.  After a bigger lunch and not eating anything else that day your stomach has a lot of work ahead with digestion that bigger meal which will cause you to be more tired.  If you had ate breakfast you would more likely have eaten a smaller lunch and therefore been a lot more productive in the later part of your day until night:)

Overall, Day 12 was great and I really cannot wait until the very last day of my cleanse to see and compare just how I felt when I started to the day I ended it:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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