Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cleanse Day 5!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 5 was AWESOME!  Here are Day 5 details:

Day 5 Morning:

The night before I had gone to sleep a bit late and woke up early for an AWESOME Health & Wellness Group Session so afterwards I was a bit tired but other than that I felt great!  My mind was clear with my intentions set for the morning and day, I felt energized, happy and healthier:)  By far this was one of the best days I had had during the cleanse!

Day 5 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 5 I was able to get a number of things done such as house chores, work, etc.  Like stated earlier, I was a bit tired so I took a little nap and was re-energized for the rest of the day!  I had no headaches throughout the day was not nearly as exhausted throughout the past week:)

Day 5 Evening:

Day 5 evening was great considering the rest of the day and my little nap:)  I was able to relax without a headache and have some QT with my little family:)!

Day 5 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice with Kidney Beans and Avocados:)
Spirulina Green Machine Drink:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine and Spinach Salad with Kidney Beans, Sunflower Seeds, Shaved Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Avocados and Grapes:)


Be strong when it comes to all the temptations around you!  When cleansing, you will obviously be tempted everywhere you go whether or not people know you are cleansing or not.  Unfortunately, temptations are EVERYWHERE and there is no way to completely take them out of your life.  You can though grow stronger and smarter when it comes to temptations.  I have been tempted during my cleanse but I always think to myself that I will be able to have these snacks later and it is not the end of the world if I don't have it!  I also think of my body and putting my health of my body first before these petty cravings that are just that:)  We need to help our body gain control over that part of our mind that tells us we need these certain junk foods.  It'll take time but it will definitely be worth it in the end:)

Overall, Day 5 was AWESOME!  The best day by far throughout this cleanse:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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