Friday, June 28, 2013

Cleanse Day 3!

Aloha Health Lovers!

Thank goodess another day has come and gone with the rest of this journey looking not so bad:)!  Here are my Day 3 details:

Day 3 Morning:

I woke up with a little headache that seemed to stick for a while and also felt really tired again even though I was resting Wednesday evening.  After adding the Okinawan Sweet Potato to my morning I noticed a tony change in energy and my body felt a little better too!

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I felt a little better than the day before.  A little more energy throughout the day and a little more motivation to get through the day.  I did have a little more positivity throughout the day as well but as usual it ran out before the day ended.

Day 1 Evening:

At about 3 or 4 in the afternoon I started getting that headache again but not as bad.  It actually quickly went away but whenever I would move quickly it came back for a couple of seconds until I stood or sat still.  I was able to get things done when I get home such as cook and some computer work.  Took an evening nap which seemed to help with my body feeling exhausted and was still able to sleep well throughout the night. 

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Steamed Veggies with Avocado, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Afternoon SNack:
Frozen Mango (ADDICTED)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice Mix with Kidney Beans, Avocado and a Okinawan Sweet Potato on the side:)


Everyone is different when it comes to how you will deal with a cleanse such as this one I am on.  Also, when you start to eat certain foods because you hear that they are good for energy or something else.  Foods will affect everyone differently as well as supplements.  Also foods and supplements are not immediate like over the counter drugs.  When eating or going about life holistically, we need to remember that it will take a different amount of time to show improvement and any side effects.  With that being said, slow down!  We all need to learn how to slow down and let our bodies catch up and also slow down to enjoy the life we have.  We all have our goal and want to achieve them right away but do not forget to enjoy where you are right now and appreciate every single step you take in life and to achieve goals.  In the end, the goal will be that much more appreciated:)

Overall, the day was better and I see them only getting better everyday I am on this cleanse!  Definitely learning how to slow down myself and let my body take the time it needs to help me get better internally with this cleanse:)  Everyday I am learning how to appreciate things I have more and more:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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