Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cleanse Day 1:)!

Aloha Kakahiaka!

Well Day 1 of my cleanse has past and although it wasn't the best day of my life, it was still a good day:)  Here are more details on how my day went:

Day 1 Morning:

I woke up feeling pretty tired due to lack of sleep I believe and also felt a bit foggy.  Digestion was good but my body felt a bit tired too.

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I felt off and on foggy and okay.  I didn't have a moment where I felt awesome or great.  Just like the morning, I felt tired and exhausted probably due to the lack of vegetables and fruits since I was not able to get all the groceries I needed for the cleanse (my fault!).  A lot of moments where I would catch myself zoning out.  After work I went home, took a long nap and woke up feeling pretty good and very hungry!

Day 1 Evening:

After my afternoon nap, I woke up and had a great salad with all types of veggies and fruits:)  I felt better as I explained but not awesome just yet.

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Quinoa, Avocado, Granny Smith Apples, Crapes and Mango:)

Mid-Afternoon Snack:
Okinawan Sweet Potato
Cleansing Supplements:)
Kale Salad with Avocado, Almond Shavings, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflowers Seeds, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Do not rush into a cleanse!  Cleanses are to improve your health from where you are now if it isn't already an healthy place for your body.  Cleansing 1 - 2 a year is enough and anymore may be too much.  Before diving into a cleanse, you always want to make sure you are ready by starting to eat healthier and then cleansing.  Like going on a crazy diet, your body may reject it and your mind definitely will.  Too much change all at once:)
Overall, the day was not too bad.  I could have planned my meals a lot better and will go grocery shopping today but other than that, I believe that I will gain a lot more clarity and positiveness throughout my body and mind with this cleanse and cannot wait!  Keeping tuning in for more details on my cleanse and tips along the way:)!

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