Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cleanse Day 2!

Aloha Healthi-fuls:)!

Well Day 2 was incredibly different from Day 1!  Here are more details on how my day went:

Day 2 Morning:

I woke up feeling a little bit better due to the abundance of sleep I let myself have the day before but still didn't feel awesome like I normally feel.  I went about my morning the same, digestion was good as usual but my body seemed to be aching a little and I was not sure why.

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I still felt a bit foggy in the head but a tiny bit better than I felt yesterday.  My tummy did feel a little different though, some minor pain maybe due to the new supplements I was taking and bubbliness too.  Though it seems like it could affect my digestion, it didn't.

Day 1 Evening:

About 3 hours after attending a lunch meeting where I had ordered lunch (don't worry, it met my diet regulations:) ), I started to feel really bad!  My stomach was cramping a ton but randomly would strike and on my drive home I started to get an extremely bad headache (not quite a migraine) that started to make me sleepy.  I unfortunately had to cancel my Hot Hula class that night and ended up laying curled up on my couch for about 4 hours.  I was in and out of sleep but every time I woke up I hoped that I felt better but NOPE!  It was very little improvements that the sleep and laying there did but I couldn't do much more.  SO after I woke and sat up I decided I should take my last bit of supplements for the night and try to eat something with it.  So I did so but did not feel like eating a whole meal so I had a bowl of frozen mangoes which helped me because I was hot.  I ended up getting a little bit nauseous possibly due to the lack of nutrition and water.

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce and Mixed Greens Salad with Avocado, Carrots, Onions and Cucumbers

Cleansing Supplements:)
Bowl of Frozen Mangoes


Since your body is going through this change with you, you need to understand that it will act differently.  Meaning, your body is working with these new supplements you are taking (for a cleanse) and it is trying to figure out what to do with them.  When your body figures out what needs to be done it gets to work.  You may feel more tired and fatigue in the beginning because your body is working double time to cleanse and also do everything else it normally does on a daily basis.  That is A LOT of this for one body to do!  Try not to over exert yourself and listen to your body a lot more than you normally would.  I normally workout about 4-6 times a week and have not worked out once since I started this.  I am sad because I can't work out although I know that if I even tried to workout lightly, it would end up horribly.  So, let your body use all the energy it needs to fix you up and also try to give it the right nutrients so it can do so properly:)

Overall, the day was not good!  I think a combination of my fogginess, low energy and having to go through my normal work day put my body into the over drive it could not quite handle with such grace.  Regardless, I have learned from this and today will hopefully be 10 times better:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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