Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Journey to Improved Health by Cleanse!

Aloha My Healthy Followers:)

Today I start my Journey to Improved Health by starting a 2 week Cleanse!

What's my reason for a cleanse?

-  For the past month or so I have noticed an increasing fogginess in my thinking, I am a lot more tired than usual, I have yet to a find a resolution to my unusual breakout on my face and am not as positive as I usual am with myself anyways.  My Natural Wellness Doctor recommended that I try a cleanse to help with my breakout as well as everything else I have going on within my body.  I said, 'Okay!'  She explained to me, and I have learned this in the past as well, that cleansing 1 - 2 times a year is good for your body especially is you are not on a completely Whole Food diet.  The right cleanse will provide your body the chance to get back where it should be in return getting you back to the person you should be, if that makes sense.

Can I eat?

-   Yes!  While I am on this cleanse, I will be eating a Whole Food diet.  For the first week I will have no animal protein and then will be able to add that back in on the second week.  Throughout both weeks I will be eating twice as much vegetables than fruits and taking some all natural supplements provided by my doctor.

How do I know if I am ready for this?

-  Everyone is different.  I know I am ready because I am sick of all the symptoms listed above!  I want my old self back and am very motivated to do this cleanse.

Along my journey, I will be posting daily how I feel, my thoughts, emotions, etc  Follow my blog to watch my progress!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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