Thursday, May 30, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Day 10!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 10 went by quick!  Here are the updates for Day 10 :) :

Day 10 Morning:

Considering the full day I had on Day 9, I was surprisingly energized and very motivated to get the day going!  My digestion was better than the previous day and I had a great positive attitude which made my morning awesome!

Day 10 Meals:

Mmmmmmmmm!  Day 10 was filled with my nutritious favs and a lot of water!  Here's a snap shot of all the favs:) :

Day 10 Adventures:

An adventure is not only trying something completely new and out of your comfort zone but also doing something differently or let go in some way or form.  My adventure for Day 10 was smile at everyone! LOL!  It seems like something you would not call an adventure but try it!  It feels akward. great and funny all at the same time yet you are actually passing on this contagious smile to everyone else and therefore (possibly) making their day a little brighter than it was:).  How much times have you been smiled at on a bad day?  how did it make your mood or feelings change?  There may have been a noticeable difference or a slight change but regardless, smiles go a long way so share yours!

Day 10 Overall:

Day 10 was filled with nutritious goodies, a new and fun adventures, a great HOT HULA fitness class, wonderful people, challenges, a little traffic stress, rewards from nature and a new positive outlook:)

Thank you for tuning in and as always.....

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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