Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Day 2!

Aloha My Healthinesses!

Well, made it through Day 2 (yesterday) of my Whole Foods Challenge like a breeze!

Day 2 Morning:

Felt better than Day 1 with being a lot more rested with a positive mind set and better digestion:)

Day 2 Meals:

I basically ate the same thing I ate on Day 1 since I absolutely LOVE those meals and actually craved them:).  Here is a little snap shoot of the yummies I got to enjoy on Day 2 (yesterday):


Whole Foods Fun Fact for the day!:

Papaya's with their delicious offering are highly beneficial!  Yay for us right:)!  Below are just some of the benefits of eating papaya's:

-  Contains cancer fighting antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E and beta-carotenes:)
-  Can help in digestion due to the papain:)
-  Can help boost Male Virility due to the arginine:)
-  Can prevent premature aging:)
-  Can be used along with other whole foods as a cleanse:)
-  May prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes by lowering cholesterol:)
-  Can aid in treating inflammation:)

Now don't go out and by a hundred Papaya's and eat only Papaya's all day!  Think about adding this wonderful Whole Food to your life for the benefits and great taste!

Day 2 Late Afternoon:

In the middle of my Day 2 I started getting a very bad headache.  This was the type of headache that made you want to take some pain reliever and close your eyes! I am not absolutely positive as to why I got this headache but I can give you a list of my suspicions:

-  Dehydration:(
-  Inflammation:(
-  Stress:(

I did notice that I was very busy throughout the day and was not able to drink as much water as I normally do so today I will make it a point to drink more water:)  

Inflammation is anything from a headache to body aches and can be caused by almost anything.  Unfortunately, everyone is different so there are not a list of foods that WILL cause inflammation but there are a list of foods that usually cause inflammation with the most popular items being wheat, gluten, tomatoes, red meat, dairy and egg plant.  In my case, I think my Perfect Fit Protein drink with Almond Milk may be the cause so today and for the rest of the week I will exclude that from my meals and try it again next week to see if that is the reason why I was getting such a bad headache.  If you suffer from anything from headaches, body aches, nausea, etc often, take a look at your diet and do some testing of your own to see if the food you are eating is causing you to feel that way:)

Stress!  Unfortunately, in most cases, there is no way to avoid stress completely but there are definitely ways to better cope with it.  I know why I was stressed out yesterday and will try to find ways to cope with it.  if you do not know your stressor I would suggest a Stress Journal.  A Stress journal is basically a notebook you will dedicate to your stress (LOL).  Whenever you are feeling stressed out write down the date, time and why you are starting to feel stressed out.  At the end of your day, take a look at the reasons for your stress and the times.  See if you can come up with a better way to cope with that stress and also try to see if there is a pattern of when you are getting stressed.  Stressed can be caused by almost anything if you are malnourished and not eating right:)

Well, today is a new day and I am ready!  Looking forward to more positive changes as the days go by:)  Keep following my blog for more tips, ideas and motivation along your personal journey;)

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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