Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Day 9!

Aloha Healthy Readers:)

Day 9 was a great day filled with Whole Food snackies and a lot of fun exercise!  Here are my Day 9 updates:) :

Day 9 Morning:

I did wake up feeling great due to the rest I was able to get over the holiday weekend as well as my new found drive to start on a positive note every day!  My digestion was a bit off from the normal but nothing alarming.  I think my body was used to the holiday weekend schedule already.  Other than that, a great morning to get up, smile and make your day an awesome one:)!

Day 9 Meals:

I started the day off with a lot of water!  Majority of the people in the world think they are well hydrated but almost all of them are not!  We think we are hydrated but if you only drink a few cups of water a day you definitely are.  Although everyone is different, we need to start drinking water before our body is thirsty for it.  SO I always make sure to start my day off with a lot of water.  I drink water right when I wake up and throughout my drive to work.  It makes my body happier:).  I also made a Banana, Strawberry and Papaya Fruit Salad!  Along with that I had my normal goodies throughout the day and my favorite salad and wrap for my meals:)!  Overall, a very delicious day:)  Here is a snap shot of my Whole Foods Goodies:)

Day 9 Adventures:

Since I was feeling very energized and motivated to have a great day, I took 3 different types of Yoga classes on Day 9!!!  It was great!  Due to the everyday stress, I enrolled in a Yoga studio that was conveniently located near my downtown office!  So far it was been great and offered a lot of benefits for me.  Everyday, I do lunch time Yoga and let me tell you, if I didn't my day wouldn't be as positive!  Not only am I strengthening my mind but my body and soul all at the same time.  I love it!  I also took 2 Aerial Yoga classes after work.  Aerial Yoga, if you haven't heard of it, it done in a hammock which are silks hung from the ceiling!  Aerial Yoga provides a different feeling and different challenges than doing Yoga with your feet on the floor!  I would recommend either type of Yoga if you need to get centered and clear on your intention for the day:).  It really strengthens you from the inside out.

Day 9 Overall:

I overall had a great day!  Day 9 was very energized and positive.  Those seem to turn out to be the best days!  So, with that being said, start your day off at least with a positive outlook and a clear intention and you will have a great day:)  And don't forget...

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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