Friday, May 24, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Day 4!

Aloha My Fellow Healthies:)

Well Day 4 was an awesome day filled with Whole Foods and new adventures all ending with Healthful Happiness:)!  Here was my day in a nutshell:

Day 4 Morning:

I woke up feeling GREAT and ready for the day!  I was very energized with normal digestion.  My body was a little sore from the previous night's HOT HULA fitness class but still felt awesome!

Day 4 Meals:

Day 4 was almost the same as any other day although I felt like eating something different for breakfast:).  I had banana and an Apple with Almond Butter!  The Almond Butter provides the protein for the morning which is very important to start you day with!  I also snacked on Mini Carrots and Sugar Snap Peas with my taro Delight Spread:)  YUM!  The best thing about Whole Foods is that even with only a hand full of options, there are so many possibilities for energizing and delicious meals!

Day 4 Adventures:

So, throughout life, we will be introduced to MANY different things ranging from a different form of exercise to a different job opportunity yet in most cases we are a bit intimidated and scared to step out of our comfort zone and regular routine that we walk right by these mysteries.  Whenever I am presented with an out of the ordinary opportunity, I tell myself one of my favorite sayings, "You never know until you try it!" which is very true!  With all that being said, I tried something new to me called Dahn Yoga.  Now, I have been doing Yoga for a while now and absolutely LOVE it and it's benefits but Dahn Yoga is a different type of yoga.  Dahn Yoga was more about revitalizing your energy by getting rid of the tired energy and replacing it with new energy with breath and movement.  At first you will feel a bit silly because you are not used to doing the types of movements they teach but the moves and benefits are everything but silly when it comes to how it makes you feel afterwards!  Dahn Yoga is something I would recommend at least trying if you have it in your area!

Day 4 Evening:

At the end of Day 4 my body was very tired due to all the Aerial Conditioning and Yoga classes I took throughout the day but I still felt great!  Overall the day was awesome and I only expect them to get better and more fulfilling as I go:).  Without the side affects from junky and unhealthy foods your mind has the clarity to focus on more important things.  Cheers to good health!

All in all, Day 4 was filled with yummy Whole Foods, a new adventure, great energy and LOTS of positivity!  If you are on a journey of your own just make sure to remember that everyday is different and most of the time YOU decide how it will go with every decision you make throughout that day so make the best decision for you whether your journey is related to health or anything else.  Take it one day at a time and stay positive!  Please keep following my blog for more motivation, updates and tips on adding Whole Foods to your life!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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