Thursday, May 23, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Day 3!

Aloha My Healthies!!!

Well, Day 3 has come and gone with ease:)!  Settled differences from Days 1 & 2 but Holistic changes take a while but are well worth it:).  Here was my Day 3 from start to ending:

Day 3 Morning:

In the morning I felt very rested, a bit more energized and my digestion was about the same as Day 2.  I definitely felt very motivated for the day ahead and remembered my goals of drinking more water, excluding my Perfect Fit Protein drink with Almond Milk out of my day (to hopefully lose the headaches) and to try not to stress out as much!

Day 3 Meals:

My Day 3 meals were about the same except for my dinner.  Before dinner, I stopped by my Local Farmer's Market to pick up some veggies for my meals ahead this week and came by an interesting and intriguing product called Taro Delight!  If you know me you know that I LOVE Poi which is Taro pounded with added water so I HAD to try this out!  I tried a sample and was surprised to find that it tasted almost like Hummus!  At that point I was sold, got my container and drove home!  I had many idea running through my head for dinner since there are just so much possibilities!  I ended up making a  Whole Wheat Wrap with my new Taro Delight spread, Black Beans, Avocado and Bean Sprouts with Sugar Snap Peas on the side and a little more Taro Delight Spread to dip them in!  Overall, a wonderful day of Whole Foods!  ere's a little collage of the goodness:) :

Day 3 Workout Energy:

Well, let me tell you, Day 3 I had much more energy and was VERY ready to teach my HOT HULA fitness class!  I felt a bit more lively as well and more positive overall:).  We burned a lot of calories within the 60 minutes of my class, I literally shook off my hip band and left sweaty as can be thanks to the energy I had from Whole Foods!

Day 3 Evening:

By the end of the day I was safe to say, "Yay, no headaches!"  So I will keep doing what I am doing in hopes of keeping the headaches away.  It is as easy as that to figure out what is wrong with you.  I you have some sort of reoccurring issue or pain within the body than it may be very well because of something you are eating or even the combination of things you are eating.  Next week I will be bringing back the 2 items I excluded but in a different form and will see if they still cause headaches then.  Other than not getting headaches, my Day 3 ended very well with all the yummies goodies in my belly and a great workout!

I always look forward to the next day and what it brings!  Keep following my blog for more tips, tricks and ideas for adding these wonderful Whole Foods into your diet!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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