Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Whole Foods Challenge Days 5-8!

Aloha My Healthies!!!

I hope your Memorial Day Weekend was just as great as you all are!!!  It definitely was nice and long:)

Well, I have a weekend update for you today!


Since I was able to sleep in over the weekend I woke up feeling even MORE energized, happy and motivated to get my days started!  My digestion was very good over the weekend due to the Whole Foods I ate and my energy seemed to last a bit longer.  Since I was able to get a healthy amount of sleep throughout the day I felt I was able to get a lot more done as well as think a lot clearer, that could also be due to the lack of daily work stress I had had in that day.  Although I had a great and energized day, at the end of the days I was DEFINITELY able to sleep GREAT!  Overall, a great weekend for my mind and body:)


Well, as usual, I was able to fill my body with great Whole Foods but to be honest I had some "Treats" throughout the weekend too (hehehehe)!  Throughout the weekend, I had about 95% Whole Foods and 5% "Treats".  Other than my normal Whole Foods I indulged in 1/2 a beer (yes only 1/2!), a handful of Truffle Parmesan Fries, 1/2 of a burrito (yes only 1/2 lol!) and some White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies!  Seems like a little but it wasa lot more than I am used too although with eating these treats, since I had a huge amount of the foods going into my body being Whole Foods, my digestion and everything else was fine!  That is the thing with life, it is definitely not perfect and you cannot restrict yourself all the time and completely although you must listen to your body and make sure you take care of it as it does for you everyday 24/7!  In moderation, "Treats" are fine but as you can see I really mean moderation!  When your body eats Whole Foods Goodness, it tends to be happy although we can't always tell, it is because we are giving it more time to focus on other more important things other than trying to figure out what just entered it and figure out how to proper distribute the goods and digest properly:)  Here is a snap shot of the yummy Whole Foods I ate this weekend, all my favs!:


The evenings were nice and relaxing and as I said earlier I was able to sleep VERY good!  I had no headaches throughout the weekend and my body felt pretty good too!

Weekend Adventures:

I didn't have too many adventures but one adventure I went on was trying a new fitness format called HOT FUSION®! HOT FUSION® is a fitness format that has sections of dance to fun, old school hip hop and sculpt! Overall, it was a great and fun experience, I would definitely take the class again! Although, I am not a hip hop dancer, I laughed and got my workout on all at the same time and if you ask me thats a great workout when you can laugh and have fun and still burn those calories:) To learn more about HOT FUSION®, check out this website:


Well, here we go with another week of Whole Food Goodness and hopefully more fun and health adventures! I hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget...

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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