Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cleanse Day 4!

 Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 4 has come and gone leaving me with better hopes!  Here are Day 4 details:

Day 4 Morning:

I woke up a bit tired but feeling so much more better than the day before.  I did not have a headache, not as foggy but still a tad bit foggy, minor aches in my body, a ridiculously sore shoulder (from sleeping weird on it) and positive outlook for the day!

Day 4 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 4 I noticed that there were some moments where I felt very low energy and tired but for the most part I felt great compared to the last 3 days of the cleanse.  I was smiling a lot more, talking a lot more, able to move around more without as much pain, etc. 

Day 4 Evening:

Day 4 evening was SO MUCH BETTER than all the previous evenings!  Every other evening I had to go straight to the coach and lie down until dinner, eat then lie down again.  Day 4 evening I was able to get some things done when I got home and go out and have dinner with family later that evening without any negative side effects!

Day 4 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Steamed Veggies with Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sliced Almonds, Avocado, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Afternoon Snack:
Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice Mix:)
Grilled Veggies:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Tomatoes and Carrots:)


Don't give up!  At first, like everything else in life that is new to you, it may get a bit rough and tough but always stick to it!  You will get through the rough patch and it will be a world of difference once you get the the other side;)  I love this old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!"  That is such an awesome statement.  Just because the one and only first time you tried something it did not go well don't give up!  You can do it and succeed:)  This cleanse is definitely something you need to rough it out with and keep encouraging your self and reminding you about the benefits soon to come.  I am now at a point where I know I can do it and will:)!

Overall, Day 4 was GREAT compared to all other days!  I cannot wait for the 10 next days and the challenges and rewards to come:)!

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

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