Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cleanse Day 5!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 5 was AWESOME!  Here are Day 5 details:

Day 5 Morning:

The night before I had gone to sleep a bit late and woke up early for an AWESOME Health & Wellness Group Session so afterwards I was a bit tired but other than that I felt great!  My mind was clear with my intentions set for the morning and day, I felt energized, happy and healthier:)  By far this was one of the best days I had had during the cleanse!

Day 5 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 5 I was able to get a number of things done such as house chores, work, etc.  Like stated earlier, I was a bit tired so I took a little nap and was re-energized for the rest of the day!  I had no headaches throughout the day was not nearly as exhausted throughout the past week:)

Day 5 Evening:

Day 5 evening was great considering the rest of the day and my little nap:)  I was able to relax without a headache and have some QT with my little family:)!

Day 5 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice with Kidney Beans and Avocados:)
Spirulina Green Machine Drink:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine and Spinach Salad with Kidney Beans, Sunflower Seeds, Shaved Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Avocados and Grapes:)


Be strong when it comes to all the temptations around you!  When cleansing, you will obviously be tempted everywhere you go whether or not people know you are cleansing or not.  Unfortunately, temptations are EVERYWHERE and there is no way to completely take them out of your life.  You can though grow stronger and smarter when it comes to temptations.  I have been tempted during my cleanse but I always think to myself that I will be able to have these snacks later and it is not the end of the world if I don't have it!  I also think of my body and putting my health of my body first before these petty cravings that are just that:)  We need to help our body gain control over that part of our mind that tells us we need these certain junk foods.  It'll take time but it will definitely be worth it in the end:)

Overall, Day 5 was AWESOME!  The best day by far throughout this cleanse:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cleanse Day 4!

 Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 4 has come and gone leaving me with better hopes!  Here are Day 4 details:

Day 4 Morning:

I woke up a bit tired but feeling so much more better than the day before.  I did not have a headache, not as foggy but still a tad bit foggy, minor aches in my body, a ridiculously sore shoulder (from sleeping weird on it) and positive outlook for the day!

Day 4 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 4 I noticed that there were some moments where I felt very low energy and tired but for the most part I felt great compared to the last 3 days of the cleanse.  I was smiling a lot more, talking a lot more, able to move around more without as much pain, etc. 

Day 4 Evening:

Day 4 evening was SO MUCH BETTER than all the previous evenings!  Every other evening I had to go straight to the coach and lie down until dinner, eat then lie down again.  Day 4 evening I was able to get some things done when I got home and go out and have dinner with family later that evening without any negative side effects!

Day 4 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Steamed Veggies with Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sliced Almonds, Avocado, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Afternoon Snack:
Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice Mix:)
Grilled Veggies:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Tomatoes and Carrots:)


Don't give up!  At first, like everything else in life that is new to you, it may get a bit rough and tough but always stick to it!  You will get through the rough patch and it will be a world of difference once you get the the other side;)  I love this old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!"  That is such an awesome statement.  Just because the one and only first time you tried something it did not go well don't give up!  You can do it and succeed:)  This cleanse is definitely something you need to rough it out with and keep encouraging your self and reminding you about the benefits soon to come.  I am now at a point where I know I can do it and will:)!

Overall, Day 4 was GREAT compared to all other days!  I cannot wait for the 10 next days and the challenges and rewards to come:)!

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Cleanse Day 3!

Aloha Health Lovers!

Thank goodess another day has come and gone with the rest of this journey looking not so bad:)!  Here are my Day 3 details:

Day 3 Morning:

I woke up with a little headache that seemed to stick for a while and also felt really tired again even though I was resting Wednesday evening.  After adding the Okinawan Sweet Potato to my morning I noticed a tony change in energy and my body felt a little better too!

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I felt a little better than the day before.  A little more energy throughout the day and a little more motivation to get through the day.  I did have a little more positivity throughout the day as well but as usual it ran out before the day ended.

Day 1 Evening:

At about 3 or 4 in the afternoon I started getting that headache again but not as bad.  It actually quickly went away but whenever I would move quickly it came back for a couple of seconds until I stood or sat still.  I was able to get things done when I get home such as cook and some computer work.  Took an evening nap which seemed to help with my body feeling exhausted and was still able to sleep well throughout the night. 

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Steamed Veggies with Avocado, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Afternoon SNack:
Frozen Mango (ADDICTED)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa and Wild Rice Mix with Kidney Beans, Avocado and a Okinawan Sweet Potato on the side:)


Everyone is different when it comes to how you will deal with a cleanse such as this one I am on.  Also, when you start to eat certain foods because you hear that they are good for energy or something else.  Foods will affect everyone differently as well as supplements.  Also foods and supplements are not immediate like over the counter drugs.  When eating or going about life holistically, we need to remember that it will take a different amount of time to show improvement and any side effects.  With that being said, slow down!  We all need to learn how to slow down and let our bodies catch up and also slow down to enjoy the life we have.  We all have our goal and want to achieve them right away but do not forget to enjoy where you are right now and appreciate every single step you take in life and to achieve goals.  In the end, the goal will be that much more appreciated:)

Overall, the day was better and I see them only getting better everyday I am on this cleanse!  Definitely learning how to slow down myself and let my body take the time it needs to help me get better internally with this cleanse:)  Everyday I am learning how to appreciate things I have more and more:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cleanse Day 2!

Aloha Healthi-fuls:)!

Well Day 2 was incredibly different from Day 1!  Here are more details on how my day went:

Day 2 Morning:

I woke up feeling a little bit better due to the abundance of sleep I let myself have the day before but still didn't feel awesome like I normally feel.  I went about my morning the same, digestion was good as usual but my body seemed to be aching a little and I was not sure why.

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I still felt a bit foggy in the head but a tiny bit better than I felt yesterday.  My tummy did feel a little different though, some minor pain maybe due to the new supplements I was taking and bubbliness too.  Though it seems like it could affect my digestion, it didn't.

Day 1 Evening:

About 3 hours after attending a lunch meeting where I had ordered lunch (don't worry, it met my diet regulations:) ), I started to feel really bad!  My stomach was cramping a ton but randomly would strike and on my drive home I started to get an extremely bad headache (not quite a migraine) that started to make me sleepy.  I unfortunately had to cancel my Hot Hula class that night and ended up laying curled up on my couch for about 4 hours.  I was in and out of sleep but every time I woke up I hoped that I felt better but NOPE!  It was very little improvements that the sleep and laying there did but I couldn't do much more.  SO after I woke and sat up I decided I should take my last bit of supplements for the night and try to eat something with it.  So I did so but did not feel like eating a whole meal so I had a bowl of frozen mangoes which helped me because I was hot.  I ended up getting a little bit nauseous possibly due to the lack of nutrition and water.

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce and Mixed Greens Salad with Avocado, Carrots, Onions and Cucumbers

Cleansing Supplements:)
Bowl of Frozen Mangoes


Since your body is going through this change with you, you need to understand that it will act differently.  Meaning, your body is working with these new supplements you are taking (for a cleanse) and it is trying to figure out what to do with them.  When your body figures out what needs to be done it gets to work.  You may feel more tired and fatigue in the beginning because your body is working double time to cleanse and also do everything else it normally does on a daily basis.  That is A LOT of this for one body to do!  Try not to over exert yourself and listen to your body a lot more than you normally would.  I normally workout about 4-6 times a week and have not worked out once since I started this.  I am sad because I can't work out although I know that if I even tried to workout lightly, it would end up horribly.  So, let your body use all the energy it needs to fix you up and also try to give it the right nutrients so it can do so properly:)

Overall, the day was not good!  I think a combination of my fogginess, low energy and having to go through my normal work day put my body into the over drive it could not quite handle with such grace.  Regardless, I have learned from this and today will hopefully be 10 times better:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cleanse Day 1:)!

Aloha Kakahiaka!

Well Day 1 of my cleanse has past and although it wasn't the best day of my life, it was still a good day:)  Here are more details on how my day went:

Day 1 Morning:

I woke up feeling pretty tired due to lack of sleep I believe and also felt a bit foggy.  Digestion was good but my body felt a bit tired too.

Day 1 Afternoon:

Throughout the day, I felt off and on foggy and okay.  I didn't have a moment where I felt awesome or great.  Just like the morning, I felt tired and exhausted probably due to the lack of vegetables and fruits since I was not able to get all the groceries I needed for the cleanse (my fault!).  A lot of moments where I would catch myself zoning out.  After work I went home, took a long nap and woke up feeling pretty good and very hungry!

Day 1 Evening:

After my afternoon nap, I woke up and had a great salad with all types of veggies and fruits:)  I felt better as I explained but not awesome just yet.

Day 1 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Quinoa, Avocado, Granny Smith Apples, Crapes and Mango:)

Mid-Afternoon Snack:
Okinawan Sweet Potato
Cleansing Supplements:)
Kale Salad with Avocado, Almond Shavings, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflowers Seeds, Kidney Beans and Mushrooms:)

Do not rush into a cleanse!  Cleanses are to improve your health from where you are now if it isn't already an healthy place for your body.  Cleansing 1 - 2 a year is enough and anymore may be too much.  Before diving into a cleanse, you always want to make sure you are ready by starting to eat healthier and then cleansing.  Like going on a crazy diet, your body may reject it and your mind definitely will.  Too much change all at once:)
Overall, the day was not too bad.  I could have planned my meals a lot better and will go grocery shopping today but other than that, I believe that I will gain a lot more clarity and positiveness throughout my body and mind with this cleanse and cannot wait!  Keeping tuning in for more details on my cleanse and tips along the way:)!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Journey to Improved Health by Cleanse!

Aloha My Healthy Followers:)

Today I start my Journey to Improved Health by starting a 2 week Cleanse!

What's my reason for a cleanse?

-  For the past month or so I have noticed an increasing fogginess in my thinking, I am a lot more tired than usual, I have yet to a find a resolution to my unusual breakout on my face and am not as positive as I usual am with myself anyways.  My Natural Wellness Doctor recommended that I try a cleanse to help with my breakout as well as everything else I have going on within my body.  I said, 'Okay!'  She explained to me, and I have learned this in the past as well, that cleansing 1 - 2 times a year is good for your body especially is you are not on a completely Whole Food diet.  The right cleanse will provide your body the chance to get back where it should be in return getting you back to the person you should be, if that makes sense.

Can I eat?

-   Yes!  While I am on this cleanse, I will be eating a Whole Food diet.  For the first week I will have no animal protein and then will be able to add that back in on the second week.  Throughout both weeks I will be eating twice as much vegetables than fruits and taking some all natural supplements provided by my doctor.

How do I know if I am ready for this?

-  Everyone is different.  I know I am ready because I am sick of all the symptoms listed above!  I want my old self back and am very motivated to do this cleanse.

Along my journey, I will be posting daily how I feel, my thoughts, emotions, etc  Follow my blog to watch my progress!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!