Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 14 & 15!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

Whoops!  Skipped a day because I was having such a great time:)  Days 14 & 15 were great!

Here's what I did to get active:) :

-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Cleo's Rockin Legs & Abs:)

Just the right amount of activity and relaxation filled my body, mind and heart with joy!  I feel great and am completely happy and energized:)

Have you found the right balance that best fits you and your lifestyle???  Have you had great days like that???  What did you do???  Try to think of all of the really awesome days you have had in the past and try to also remember what you did.  try to find the balance in your life to make every day as enjoyable and awesome as possible!

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 12 & 13!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

This weekend was great and filled with Health, Wellness and fun Activities!  Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Swimming at the Beach:)

Not too much strenuous workouts but this weekend was much needed!  Today I feel re-energized and ready for this week:).  A lot of quality time with the fam, relaxation and fun!

What kind of weekend did you have???  Did you get to fit in any fun activities???  How do you feel on this Monday???  Always make sure that while taking care of others you think of yourself too!  If you only think of others, you start neglecting yourself which will somehow have a negative effect on you.  We do not want that!  Spend some time everyday to make sure you are taken care of in any way possible.  For example, while making sure everyone else is okay and ready for the day make sure you are too with enough sleep and a cleared mind;)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 11!!!

Aloha Healthy & Happy Buddies!!!

Yesterday was another much needed recoop day!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

Since I have been under a lot more stress than usual with every day life my body was pretty mentally exhausted so I listened to my body, only did as much as I felt up to (energy wise) and then let myself rest and recoop for the weekend!  When you are under a lot of mental stressors it tends to take over your whole bodies energy level therefore leaving you exhausted without having workout of or physically exerting yourself.  Do not feel bad if this happens to you but make sure you don't let yourself get mentally exhausted too much, it is bad for you!  Find what is causing all the mental stress and find a way to coop with it better!

Do you stress on a daily basis???  Is your stress level at a 1, 5 or 10???  When do you normally stress out???  How do you think you can better deal with it next time??  Think about these things when you are stressed and hopefully this can help you get back on a better track for you and your body:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 10!

Aloha Happy Healthy Buddies:)

Day 10 of my Get Active Challenge was very fun!

Here is what I did to get active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Pup Walk:)
-  HOT HULA fitness:)

Yesterday I was exceptionally energetic and ready to get my fitness on!  I think I was energized from giving myself the time to recoop the day before.  In the past, I ws really bad at letting my body recoop because I had the mentality that if I wasn't working out hard every single day I was being lazy and would lose it.  I have learned that we need to listen to our bodies and train our minds to agree with it.  Unfortunately, we are all semi-brainwashed to think that to make a difference in our health we need to over do it.  Just know that everyone is different, what works for someone may or may not work for you so do not ever get discouraged!  We are who we are and we need to learn and listen to our bodies to get the best out of us!  No one can tell us what or who we are only we can do that:)  Sooooooooo, take some time to ensure you are doing your body good and taking care of it so it will do the same for you:)

What are your thoughts on that???  Have you been pushing yourself too hard???  Do you give your body time to recoop???  Share, share, share!  I love hearing stories from other people:)

Well, whatever your situation just know that regardless of your goals and dreams you can achieve anything with the right mindset and self appreciation!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 9!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 9 of my challenge was a relaxful day but stil active:)!

Here is what I did to get active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Lunch Time Yoga:)
-  Go to Sam's Club (LOL) :)

Getting active consists of activities that get your blood flowing as well as stimulates your mind and body.  I count going to Sam's Club as all of the above!  Not too crazy of a work out day but it was very eventful and relaxi at the same time:)

What did you do???  How did you feel???  You ready for another day???  Let's do this!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 8!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Although a Monday, Day 8 of my Get Active CHallenge was a breeze!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  P90x: Chest, Arms & AB Ripper X:)
-  Cleo's Rockin` Legs & Abs:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

The weather was horrible with heavy showers and light thunder storms so couldn't take my pup for a walk but was not affected by the gloomy weather when it came to my workouts!  I got through my workouts with motivation and happiness!  I was getting more pumped to workout during my workout!  A week ago today it was different and in the week I have come a long way!  We will see what this last week holds for me and if it sticks!

Did you get active yesterday???  What did you do???  Do you need support and motivation to get active????  Find a buddy or message me:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 7!!!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!!!

Day 7 of my Get Active Challenge was great mostly because I got to do what I wanted to do all day!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  P90x:  Yogax:)
-  Flex & Stretch:)

What a great combination that got me set up right for the day:)

What did you do???  Did you choose to relax and let your body recoop???  Please share:)

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 6!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!!!

Day 6 of my Get Active Challenge was more relaxful than the previous but still very active and productive!

Here is what I did to Get Active:

-  Okole Challenge:)
-  Major House Organizing:)

Thats it but completely active!  Ater these two I made sure to enjoy the weekend some in the evening and relax with the fam:).  I hope ou all are having a wonderful weekend so far and are resting up for a fabulously active week!!!

Live, Laugh, Get Active & Eat Healthy!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 5!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 5 of my Get Active Challenge was surprisingly awesome!  Here is my Get Active collage:) :

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)
Pup Walk:)
P90x: Legs, Back & AB Ripper:)
Flex Sesh:)

Day 5 was so surprisingly great!  I was dragging throughout my day due to the lack of activity during work but Lunch Time Yoga really got my blood flowing and got me set for the rest of my happily active evening!  After all my activities I felt so good!  Lost a lot of calories and even energized me to get some work and studying done after dinner!

What did you do to Get Active?  How did you feel afterwards?  Still looking for you motivation?  Please share!  I would be more than happy to help get you going;)!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 4!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

Day 4 of my Get Active Challenge was not as packed with workouts but felt great!  Here are the details:

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)

Day 4 was very relaxing and you need those days to be able to maintain a good energy level and not get burnt out.  That is a huge problem with people getting back into it, sometimes they go all out and then fall out because they burn themselves out too quickly.  Take the time to let your body recover so it can be more efficient in everything it does:)  I still did my Lunch Time Yoga that helps me throughout the day!

What was your day like yesterday?  Did you get really active or did you give your body a break for the day?  Please share and have a great day!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 3!

Aloha My Healthy Buddies:)

Day 3 of my Get Active Challenge was amazing!!!  Here are the details:

Day 3, although at the middle of my day staring at the computer reading boring stuff I was drowsy, my day was filled with energy and much motivation at being active!!!  After work I was very motivated to get home and do my thang!  

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)
Walked my Pup:)
HOT HULA fitness:)
P90x:  Chest & Arms:)
Flexibility Session:)

Although this all seems like a lot, this is normal in my workout/active routine!  yay!  I'm getting there faster than I thought!  As you can see I have a great mixture of activities such as heart pumping, blood flowing HOT HULA fitness, leisure and enjoyable walk with my pup, Okole burning challenge, strength building and stretching and yoga for your mental and physical health!  Not only was I able to get all this in yesterday but I was able to get my HOT HULA fitness class pumped and happy they dragged themselves to class and got my BF to be my workout partner when he got home from work when he is usually POOPED!  Mission for yesterday accomplished, now on to tomorrow!

If you are already really active, let's work together to help others that need help!  Join my challenge and share this blog post to your FB page or to your other friends who need motivation.  Have them post a comment and we will let the motivation and love for fitness do the rest;)!  Share the wealth of health and have a great day!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 2!

Aloha Healthy Buddies!

Day 2 of my Get Active Challenge was a success!

Although I was a bit wiped out from the day yesterday I still pulled through and boy was it worth it!  I dug deep and was able to get in some great workouts!

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Okole Challenge:)
Walked my Pup:)
P90x:  Plyo:)
Flexibility Session:)

Such a great feeling after a great workout:)  With all the motivation from this challenge and the found energy after digging deep I was left knocked out on the ground after I was done for a surprise power nap LOL!

As you can see, after my Get Active Session, I was officially wiped out for the best reason ever:)  What did you do to get active yesterday?  Was it hard to find that energy within?  Sometimes you really have to dig deep and tell yourself that, "You can do it!"  I know it sounds cheesy but sometimes it works!  Don't let your mind tell you that you do not want to workout.  Sometimes your body will be extremely physically exhausted but if it is mentally exhausted than you can pull through and get it!  You will feel great afterwards:)  Well, Get Active and share!

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Get Active Challenge Day 1!

Aloha Healthy People!

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and that you are all off to a healthy and active start today;)

Well, yesterday was my official start to my Get Active Challenge and I have to say I am off to a not so bad start:) :

Since I was extra pumped for this challenge, I had extra energy to really get some great workouts in yesterday!  Unfortunately, since I start work very early in the morning, I cannot start that day with a great workout but I can enjoy one later in the day and that I did:)

Here is what I did to get active yesterday:

Lunch Time Yoga:)
Walked my Pup:)
P90x:  Chest, Back & AB Ripper:)
Flexibility Session:)

As you can see, getting active is not only working out but just getting active! For example, you could be gardening, using the stairs in your office building more, cleaning your place, etc.  So many ways to get active is working out is not an option right now.  You'd be surprised what a little activity will do to your energy levels:)!

Well, after my activities I was POOPED!  Since I have not really been all that active my energy afterwards is pretty low but I know that it'll change in a week or so so I am pushing forward and hope you are too!  Remember, any type of activity in your day will help you in reaching that goal of becoming more active and working out more!  Do not give up and always appreciate the small achievements in life because they help;)

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Get Active Challenge!

Aloha Healthy Buddies:)

As we all know, once you fall out of a routine of working out it is VERY HARD to get back into it!  I recently have gone through a lot in the past months ranging from vacation (which was awesome!) to being sick to starting a cleanse and that has consumed a lot of my time and energy which caused me to stop my routine workouts:(  I am now having trouble with getting back into my workouts for many different reasons and this is the case for many people out there.  After anywhere from 3 weeks to a couple of months of not working out it becomes the norm and you feel as if you have no time to get that workout in anymore because we are now too 'busy' or you have lost that motivation and drive to get the workout in as well.  Like stated before, you are not the only one!  I am still working out but a lot less than I am used to.  This is why I am starting the Get Active Challenge for my self and anyone else who wants to join in!

The Get Active Challenge is basically made to aid in getting back into a normal workout routine or getting more active by holding myself accountable by posting my daily workouts or active activities:)!  Feel free to join in on the challenge but for best results you must admit to starting the challenge that way all us buddies can help each other by holding each other accountable!

Here's how to join the challenge!:

1.  Post a comment to this blog post that you are joining in on the challenge and why:)
2.  Follow my daily Get Active Challenge blog posts and make a comment on what YOU did that day:)
3.  Share the daily blog post on your FB page and tell your friends:)
4.  That's it!

You may feel very hesitant to join the challenge because you have a feeling that if you admit to starting the challenge you will most likely not follow through.  From experience, the more you tell yourself that the more likely you will not follow through!  Believe in yourself and motivate yourself to get Active!  I KNOW you can do this and by joining in on the challenge we can help each other to reach our goal of getting more active:)

So, take a deep breath, join the challenge, smile and say, "I'm so going to do this!"

Live, Laugh, Get Active and Eat Healthy!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last Day of My Cleanse!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

My last day of my cleanse!!!  Here are my comparisons and results of how I was in the beginning versus today:) :

Day 1 Morning vs Day 14 Morning:

In the morning on Day 1 I felt tired, foggy and achy/tired body with good digestion.  Day 14 morning I felt energized, motivated, clear minded, positive and also with GREAT digestion!  

Day 1 Afternoon vs Day 14 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 1 afternoon I felt off, foggy, tired, exhausted, blank minded and lazy/unenergized.  Throughout Day 14, I had great energy throughout the whole day, was motivated to get all needed things done, was positive, minimal to NO zoning out, no achiness and had clear intentions for the day:)

Day 1 Evening vs Day 14 Evening:

Day 1 evening, only after a nap and a meal, I felt better but definitely not close to awesome.  Day 14 evening I felt great!  I came home, got a lot of tasks done and still had energy for a nice night with the fam:)

Day 14 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine, Kale and Spinach Salad with Kidney Beans, Cucumbers, Mushrooms and Avocado:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Tuna, Avocado and Lettuce Wrap:)


The most important tip I could offer in doing a cleanse would be to be mentally and physically ready for best results and a smoother ride throughout the duration of the cleanse.  As you saw, I was not prepared and had a rough patch in the beginning that may or may not have been smoother if I was ready.  Being prepared always helps in all situations:)

Overall, the comparison from Day 1 to Day 14 is HUGE!  I feel so much better all around.  I still get tired but it is a normal tired from a long day of hard work.  I also have noticed that my digestion, although it was good when I started, is awesome now!  My mind is so much more clear and motivated for the day.  I smile more and am able to really relax with joy:)

Well, since that was the last blog for my cleanse, stay tuned for the next blog of informational health and wellness topics and my next journey:)

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cleanse Day 13!!!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 13 was such a smooth and relax filled day!  Here are Day 13 details:

Day 13 Morning:

Digestion was great:)  Felt sharper and was able to remember a lot of the little things I normally forget:)  Woke up with no headaches or pains:)  Was very ready to start the day:)

Day 13 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 13 I felt pretty pumped and also had no almost headaches from the supplement drink too!  My body must be getting used to it now that I am almost done lol!  

Day 13 Evening:

Day 13 evening was really good.  I got A LOT done throughout the day so at evening time I was able to really hang out and relax and let my body prep for the Monday back at work:)  I also was kind of craving a wheat wrap but other than that not any cravings throughout the day at all:)  Yay!

Day 13 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine, Kale and Spinach Salad with Kidney Beans, Cucumbers, Mushrooms and Avocado:)

Okinawan Sweet Potato:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Quinoa, Wild Rice and Lentils Mix with Kidney Beans and Avocado:)


Think it over!  We tend to make a lot of rash and rushed decisions for whatever reason (peer pressure, cravings, etc.) but what we need to start to do is to train ourselves to think even just a little bit about what we are about to do.  This is also a piece of advice that goes for almost any decision you may face. When it comes to cleansing, you do not want to jump into it without thinking first.  You want to make sure you are ready and willing to follow through with it.  Throughout your cleanse you will need to make many decisions such as, "Should I just eat this chocolate bar??"  or "Should I take a break day to eat what I want????"  Just think it over a bit and remind yourself that it is only 2 weeks that is for the better of you:)  You are trying to help your body in cleansing all the things in there that should not be there!  The 2 weeks is nothing when it comes to you, your health and your life overall.. Always think that you will always have the choice to eat whatever it is you want after your cleanse:)

Overall, Day 13 was extra awesome:)! OMG, 1 Day to the go!!!!

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cleanse Day 12!!!

Aloha Health Buddies:)

Day 12 was another great and awesomely restful yet energetic day!  Here are Day 12's details:

Day 12 Morning:

On Day 12 I woke up early but was very motivated for the day still:)  Digestion was great:)  Woke up with no headaches or pains:)  I also woke up feeling very sharp and on it knowing exactly what needed to get done today as well as what I wanted to get done if any time freed up!  Yay:)

Day 12 Afternoon:

Throughout Day 12 I felt great!  I had no sleepy time in the middle of the day, my appetite has not been crazy and my cravings for unhealthy foods have been at an all time low!:)  I went to a family get together where there are all types of foods ranging from Nachos to Salads and although Nachos were one of my FAV foods I didn't even sit there wanting it!  Instead I went for the healthier options and had no problem with doing that:)  My weakness has always been sweets and still is but thank goodness there were sweeter fruits there to snack on so I could settle that craving:)

Day 12 Evening:

Day 12 evening was another relaxing evening:)  I was able to wind down instead of stress out about anything at all:)  Those evenings are much needed!  My body felt great and after a long day I was not in any type of pain.  I am still getting those very minor headaches from the cleansing drink but that goes away after a little bit. 

Day 12 Meals:

Cleansing Supplements:)
Okinawan Sweet Potato:) 

Cleansing Supplements:)
Fresh Fish & Poi:)

Frozen Mango:)

Cleansing Supplements:)
Romaine Lettuce Salad with Cherry Tomatoes, Carrot Shreds, Diced Bell Peppers and Salmon:)


Don't skip breakfast!  This goes for everyday and ESPECIALLY when you are cleansing, DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!  I know you have heard this over and over when growing up but breakfast is a very important meal.  Just think, you have just fasted for about 6 - 8 hours (while sleeping) and then you are going to deprive your body the nutrients needed by fasting for another 4 or 5 hours until lunch?  Unless you are drinking a smoothie or fresh juice, water or coffee isn't going to cut it!  I know you have gone without breakfast and say that you are fine and are able to work great in the morning but try to also think about the rest of the day.  After skipping breakfast, how do you feel after lunch?  Try to experiment with that.  For one, after skipping breakfast you are probably more hungry during lunch and therefore eat a bigger lunch than you would normally eat.  After a bigger lunch and not eating anything else that day your stomach has a lot of work ahead with digestion that bigger meal which will cause you to be more tired.  If you had ate breakfast you would more likely have eaten a smaller lunch and therefore been a lot more productive in the later part of your day until night:)

Overall, Day 12 was great and I really cannot wait until the very last day of my cleanse to see and compare just how I felt when I started to the day I ended it:)

Keep checking in for more daily updates on the rest of my cleanse:)!

Live, Laugh and Eat Healthy!